Job ID: 98684

Post-doc position – physiology of oligodendrocyte-neuron interaction

Position: Post-doctoral Position

Deadline: 23 December 2022

Employment Start Date: 1 February 2023

City: Bordeaux

Country: France

Institution: University of Bordeaux, CNRS

Department: Bordeaux Neurocampus


Our research team at the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases UMR5293, at the University of Bordeaux recruits a post-doctoral researcher. The lab aims to understand cellular mechanisms of neuron-oligodendrocyte interaction during development, adulthood and their alteration in neurodegenerative disease. In this funded project we investigate functional differences of mature grey matter oligodendrocytes including their metabolic interaction. Using acute slices, we apply a combination of state-of-the-art physiology (whole-cell patch clamp) in combination with single-cell seq, complemented by in vivo genetic manipulation. Additionally we use methods including molecular biology, behaviour, anatomical tracing, light microscopy and electron microscopy.


The ideal candidate has a background in cellular (glial) neuroscience, but applicants possessing scientific curiosity that goes beyond their core research topic are encouraged to apply. Experience in one of the following methods and approaches is beneficial patch-clamp recordings, utilization of viral vectors, mouse surgery, functional imaging. Additionally knowledge in data analysis (programming) is highly desirable. Candidates should have a track record in writing and presenting their research. Participation in shaping a project and contributing to research output of the lab is expected. The day-to-day language in the lab is English. The project is funded for the duration of the post-doc. Earliest starting date from February 2023.


The University of Bordeaux with the newly formed Neurocampus project constitutes an exciting international and stimulating environment with worldwide recognition.


For further questions and your application, please contact Arne Battefeld arne.battefeld[at] . Please send your application package in a single pdf including motivation letter with the interest in the research topic, CV, a list of publications, major achievements and names of 2 to 3 referees. Application deadline 23.12.2022.