Job ID: 95820

COMPSCI PhD program University of Oslo: PhD position on Causal learning in neural networks and the brain

Position: Ph.D. Student

Deadline: 23 September 2022

Employment Start Date: 2 January 2023

Contract Length: 3 years

City: oslo

Country: Norway

Institution: University of Oslo

Department: Department of Biosciences/ Department of Physics


CompSci is a Doctoral Programme launched and managed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo (UiO). CompSci combines a disciplinary doctoral programme with intensive training in computational and data science. It is partly funded by the EU Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) – Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND).

The CompSci Doctoral Programme will recruit 32 PhDs in two calls. In this reserve call, Call 2b, we open for applications to 1 PhD fellowship in Neuroscience that will join our PhD programme starting winter 2022/23 at UiO and will be part of the second cohort (15 + 2 PhD candidates).

In the project entitled Causal learning in neural networks and the brain you will implement and study neural networks that are able to extract causal dynamics and structures and are trained either with supervised or reinforcement learning.

You will learn to apply tools from both physics, neuroscience and artificial intelligence to understand how the causal structure of the observed world is represented in these models, and how these representations impact problems found in navigation and can be reused on e.g. temporal recognition tasks.

The project includes collaborations with leading groups at Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania and the University of California San Diego.

More about the Compsci Program and how to apply here: Causal learning in neural networks and the brain – CompSci: Training in Computational Science (


Professor Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, University of Oslo

Dr. Mikkel Elle Lepperød, Simula Research Laboratory