Job ID: 86520

Post-doc position to sutdy myelin in autism

Position: Post-doctoral Position

Deadline: 30 September 2022

Employment Start Date: 2 January 2023

Contract Length: 2 years

City: Leioa

Country: Spain

Institution: Achucarro Basque Cener for Neuroscience



We are interested in recruiting a motivated candidate (Postdoc student) to cover a research position at the Department of Neuroscience (UPV/EHU) and at the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience.

The laboratory offers a 2-year contract awarded by the Simons Foundation (USA: SFARI grant) to study the impact of myelin in an animal model of autism, cntnap2-/- mice. The candidate will use chemogenetics in conjunction with electrophysiology and two-photon functional imaging to characterize myelination deficits and to manipulate myelination and analyze its impact in cognitive and social behavior in the cntnap2-/- ASD mouse model.

The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary and highly collaborative environment and will benefit from access to frontline technical resources, under the supervision of the Principal Investigator of the project Dr. María Domercq.

More information at:

María Domercq



  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • Solid experience in electrophysiology and functional imaging


Candidates should send a cover letter stating their willingness to take up the position and their CV and two reference letters to Dr. Maria Domercq (maria.domercq@) indicating “Postdoc position” in the subject header asap and no later than September 30th 2022.