Job ID: 85579

Post Doc 2 and PhD students 2

Position: Ph.D. Student

Deadline: 15 September 2022

Employment Start Date: 30 September 2022

Contract Length: 24 months

City: Paris

Country: France

Institution: Université Paris Cité

Department: VIFASOM (Vigilance, Fatigue Sleep and Public Health)




3-4 positions available in Paris for the Sleep-Sport-Artificial Intelligence-Big data Pandora Project


The Pandora IA project

The objective of this project is to develop and validate a set of statistical learning methods and models for predicting the physiological states of individuals performing intense physical activities under specific conditions or environments, based on EEG, actigraphy, biological biomarkers, heart rate, temperature, respiratory parameters…. It includes an experimental phase that will be carried out “in the field” in an operational environment proposed by the VIFASOM team (Vigilance Fatigue and Sleep Team in Hôtel-Dieu, and Bretigny), in relation with the French Army research institute IRBA) and possibly with the French National sport institute (INSEP). To this end, a dedicated and sovereign experimental environment consisting of a set of software tools, hardware and technical equipment will be classified, stored, processed, exploited and data shared.

The two main domains of analyses would be the:

Detection of sleepiness and sleep states in operational situations and prediction of a staff’s state of consciousness (attention, awareness of the environment, interaction with the group and the environment, sleep, sleep disorders like insomnia, etc.)

Prevention of hypothermia and hyperthermia with real-time prediction of exercise heat stroke and heat intolerance.

This project aims to address the above issues by proposing a set of multidimensional AI methods applied to physiological or other monitoring data.

The collaboration between the Université Paris Cité (VIFASOM) and SAAGIE (Rouen-France) company will enable a team of researchers, engineers and medical and PhD doctors to participate in the design and development of software modules and predictive models. Once developed, the team project will deploy these prototype tools and test them in an ad-hoc technical environment in line with existing research and expertise protocols.


Three-Four Positions available

Two-Three (part time >50%- full time) PhD students and one post-doc fellow will be recruited in June 2022 for 3 years. Ideal candidates are highly motivated to work on this project, good team players open to an interdisciplinary approach between neuroscience-ideally sleep and vigilance-EEG, cognitive science, consciousness and computational approaches, and speak and write English fluently. Three complementary profiles are proposed:

  • One/Two candidates with a good knowledge of data-science in sleep, EEG and vigilance. Experience with human research, data analysis, and programming in Matlab, R, Python or similar software is advantageous. The candidate’s main missions will be to program, run and analyze databases issues from research addressed by the teams involved in the project on sleepiness- of athletes or subjects facing sleep restriction or operational environment. He may be a MD, or a PHD with experience in humans health.
  • One candidate with a good knowledge of sport and exercise in athletes. Experience with human research, data analysis, and programming in Matlab, R, Python or similar software is advantageous. The candidate’s main missions will be to program, run and analyze databases issues from research addressed by the teams involved in the project about temperature of athletes or subjects facing competitions or operational environment.
  • One candidate needs to be a French speaking MD, PHD, Psychologist with clinical experience and a strong interest in sleep and exercise, who will make the links between the team project and the other scientists of VIFASOM, IRBA and INSEP. Experience in qualitative analysis of data is a plus.


A high level of proactive involvement will be expected from all members of the team, which will be expected to be on a regular basis physically present for the term of the project. Working partly at home may be discussed. The postdoc position moreover offers the opportunity to train in soft skills, crucial for becoming a PI, since the postdoctoral candidate is expected to contribute to lead the core-team composed by her/him and the two PhD candidates, together with our supervising team.


The supervising team

The medical and scientific supervision is organized with complementary skills for this interdisciplinary project that associates human research data science and artificial intelligence with the supervision of Damien Léger MD, PhD, VIFASOM, Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, Mounir Chennaoui, PhD VIFASOM IRBA, Paul Bouchequet VIFASOM and Fabien SAUVET MD PhD, IRBA VIFASOM.  Romain Picot-Clemente and Patrick Giroux, from SAAGIE will provide scientific supervision for computational modelling, development of software modules and predictive models.


The work environment

The research team will be based at the VIFASOM lab of the Hôtel-Dieu, a beautiful hospital in the heart of ancient neighborhoods of Paris, where participants will come for testing and treatment.

@Hotel-Dieu is also an exciting and innovative digital health data center supported by APHP, Université Paris Cité and a group of health start up.  The VIFASOM lab currently houses 3 PI and > 10 PhD students and engineers working on various fields of cognitive science. This will offer the opportunity for fruitful discussions and collaborations with SAAGIE in Rouen and the scientists in a stimulating workplace. Nearby, the Université de Paris, Paris Public Health, PRAIRIE datascience and the Ecole Normale Supérieure also offer many opportunities for exciting scientific training and conferences in cognitive science. The PhD students will have courses and scientific supervision at the Doctorate School Bio SPC of Paris.

All supervisors endorse values of equity and diversity, and are committed to ensuring a safe, welcoming, and inclusive workplace. Everyone is therefore strongly encouraged to apply.




Application : CV, motivational and recommandation letters should be sent to Pr Damien LEGER: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and all candidates will receive full consideration.



Université Paris Cité with its 61,000 students, 7,500 staff and 142 laboratories, is today the first medical university in Europe and the University whose scientific publications are the most cited in France.

The research team EA 7330 VIFASOM (Vigilance Fatigue and Sleep) was created in 2013. Co-directed by Professor Damien LEGER and Mounir CHENNAOUI, it includes about thirty researchers who work on various themes related to sleep (Epidemiology, Effects of deprivation on alertness, performance, risk of injury, and more recently on machine learning and IA).


Saagie, a company created in 2013, provides a platform to facilitate and accelerate the development and deployment of projects dedicated to the exploitation and exploitation of big data (Big Data). This solution integrates the best Big Data technologies of the moment around a Plug & Play orchestrator supporting the DataOps methodology and allowing to embed artificial intelligence bricks to respond to multiple use cases in fields of applications diverse and varied. Saagie now has a multidisciplinary team of 90 people in Rouen, Paris, New York and London.