Job ID: 85303

ERC-funded Postdoc in primate social neuroscience

Position: Post-doctoral Position

Deadline: 1 May 2023

Employment Start Date: 2 January 2023

Contract Length: 2 Years +

City: Paris

Country: France

Institution: CNRS

Department: Paris Brain Institute


The Paris Brain Institute (ICM) is an international research institute dedicated to the understanding of the nervous system at all scales, from basic science to applied clinical care. It is affiliated to Sorbonne Universite, the CNRS – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, INSERM and located on the campus of Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital. The Paris Brain Institute hosts 22000 sqm of research laboratories and technological platforms and benefits from state of-the-art core facilities, including for brain imaging, well-staffed with expert personnel ( ).

The Neurophysiology of Social Cognition Group at the Paris Brain Institute is looking for an excellent

Postdoctoral research associate

Keywords: Systems neuroscience, social cognition, multisensory perception, fMRI, neurophysiology, primate social networks

How do brains of social beings make sense of their societies? The Neurophysiology of Social Cognition Group led by Julia Sliwa at the Paris Brain Institute is looking for an outstanding postdoctoral researcher interested in studying the neural basis of social cognition. We are investigating the neural and neuronal mechanisms that enable transformation of social percepts into social knowledge. We use a combination of ethological tests in primates, neuroimaging (fMRI), neurophysiology, and large datasets analyses to pursue these questions ( Advances in neuroscience on the one hand (Sliwa and Freiwald, Science 2017) and in primate ethology on the other hand can get us closer to understand the workings of brain networks involved in social cognition.

Mission: In this project, the highly motivated postdoctoral researcher will bridge novel approaches to examine brain networks and neuronal mechanisms at play during social perception in different sensory modalities including the understudied senses of olfaction and touch, by using a combination of neuroimaging in primates, electrophysiological recording of neurons, ethological tests and large datasets analyses. The postdoc will investigate how conceptual social associations are instantiated, the mechanisms in the brain that guide retrieval of multisensory social association, and how olfaction and touch are integrated with vision or hearing. This approach would be a first step to begin understanding the neural mechanisms underpinning the creation of social concepts in primates.

Profile: The project lies at the intersection between neuroscience, ethology and large data sets analysis. It will be perfectly fitted for an outstanding and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher (f/m) who shares a passion for neuroscience, data science, primate societies. Candidates should have a PhD in neuroscience or related field, and prior experience, evidenced by a publication or preprint, in electrophysiology or fMRI in non-human primates, strong quantitative, programming (Matlab, Python or a similar language), and experimental skills. A good command of English is required, fluency in French is not essential.

Position: The position is available starting January 2023 with an initial appointment for 2 years. Start-date is flexible. Extensions beyond 2 years is possible. The position is fully-funded by an ERC Starting Grant (NEURO-SOCIETY, PI: Sliwa). The applicant is welcome to apply for a personal competitive fellowship (HFSP, FRM, Marie-Sklodowska Curie, etc.).

Application: Candidates should send their curriculum vitae, a motivation letter, representative publications, and the names and contact information of two references who are able to comment on their academic background and who have agreed to be contacted. Please send your application under key word “Postdoctoral position Social Cognition” by email to Dr. Sliwa, Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Informal enquiries are welcome.