Peter Seeburg Integrative Neuroscience Prize
The Peter Seeburg Integrative Neuroscience Prize awarded by the Schaller-Nikolich Foundation, FENS, and SfN honors original and groundbreaking achievements in neuroscience.
The prize, named after the German neuroscientist Peter H. Seeburg, a pioneer in molecular neurobiology, was founded to recognize outstanding advances in the understanding of executive brain functions and cognitive processes. While the ultimate goal is to understand how the brain works as a whole, Peter Seeburg appreciated that complex questions often must be broken down in order to become accessible to experimental scrutiny.
In this spirit, the nominee will be expected to have successfully embedded molecular and cellular events in a circuit and systems context to make significant advances in explaining cognitive and behavioral processes such as emotion, learning, memory, attention, and decision-making.
The award will be presented at the SfN annual meeting in odd years (beginning in 2021) and at the FENS Forum in even years (beginning in 2022). Recipients will receive a $100,000 prize and complimentary registration, transportation (economy air or ground), and two nights hotel accommodations for the SfN annual meeting.
Award Type: Personal Award
Prize Money: 100,000 USD
Granting Body: Society for Neuroscience
Other Benefits or Honours: Recipients will receive a $100,000 prize and complimentary registration, transportation (economy air or ground), and two nights hotel accommodations for the SfN annual meeting.
Eligibility: Nominees must be at least 15 years post-PhD. Nominations of women and historically under-represented groups are strongly encouraged.
Requirements: Nomination Criteria: Nominations must be made or endorsed by an SfN member. Self-nomination is not permitted. Nominees do not need to be SfN or FENS members. No person may nominate more than one candidate. Current SfN and FENS officers and councilors are ineligible for nomination. Due to potential conflicts of interest, members of the selection committee may not be the nominees, and they cannot serve as nominators nor write letters of recommendation for this prize. Nomination materials include the following: One (1) required nomination letter describing the nominee’s contribution to the field. A one-page statement of research achievements. Current CV (5 pages max and without publications) List of peer-reviewed publications (no meeting abstracts) A list of the 10 most important papers. All nominations materials must be in English.
Application/Submission Deadline: 15 Mar 2022
Contact Details
Name: Regan Lear
Phone: 2029624000
Email: awards@sfn.org
URL: https://www.sfn.org/careers/awards/lifetime/peter-seeburg-integrative-neuroscience-prize